Reception 2024 - 2025
Mrs Brown
Welcome to Reception Class
Class Teacher - Mrs Brown
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Murphy
Welcome to a busy and very exciting Spring term!
This half term will be centred around books written by the author ‘Julia Donaldson’. Each week the children will enjoy a different story from which the class activities will be based. We will also be learning all about Julia Donaldson as an writer.
During the second half term, our focus will be ‘What Happens on a Farm?’. We will be focusing our topic around the theme of growth and change and we are hoping to nurture some hatching eggs, which will be a fantastic experience for the children.
In Religion we will be ‘Getting to Know Jesus’ and learning about ‘Sorrow and Joy’. In our first Religion topic, the children will learn that Jesus is God the Father’s son. They will know that Jesus helps us to choose the good and that he cured people who were ill. Our topic during the second half term will encourage children to show their care for one another and take responsibility for choices and actions.
Phonics and Reading in Reception
We are following the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised Phonics Programme. Each week, I will continue to add new sounds and tricky words your child's phonics and tricky words books. Please practice these daily.
The children will each read three times a week in school and their new book will be sent home after the third day, usually on a Thursday. Please read as often as you can. We will be working hard to segment and blend lots of words containing all the new sounds we are learning.
You can see more about how we teach phonics and how you can support your child with phonics and reading on the Little Wandle website:
Things to send to school every day:
- A coat
- A hat and gloves (on cold days)
- Sun hat (on warm days)
- Spare underwear/socks
- Water bottle
- Book bag, reading record/reading book
Things you can do at home together:
- Share a story/read every day
- Play games/board games which involve taking turns/counting
- Practice using scissors and cutting out different shapes
- Use a range of mark-making materials: chalk, felt tips, paintbrushes with paints/water etc. on different surfaces (table-top, easel, outside on brick walls/drives/patios)
- Use play-doh (or similar) and practice rolling out with a rolling pin, squeezing, stretching, rolling etc.
Many thanks,
Mrs Brown