Year 5 2023 - 2024

Mrs Schauer

Mrs Schauer, Mrs Stokes, Mrs Brown and Mrs Foy warmly welcome you to Year 5!

Year 5’s Summer Term Learning Journey


We continue to follow ‘The Way, The Truth and the Life’ syllabus.

Our first unit this term is ‘Life in the Risen Lord’ where we reflect on the resurrection and it’s meaning to us before looking at different types of prayer, its importance to us, with a particular focus on the rosary.

Following this we will move onto the unit ‘People of other Faiths’ where we will study the faiths of Judaism and Islam, their beliefs and celebrations. We will also look at Buddhism and Sikhism, before comparing all the different faiths with Christianity.


This term the children will continue to follow the National Curriculum for Maths using the Power Maths scheme of work where we will consolidate prior knowledge and extend the children’s skills. Areas of the Maths curriculum we will cover include decimals, geometry and measure. To support learning in these areas, it is really important that your child practises their times tables and weekly times tables tests will be given as well as regular mental maths activities.


Our first class text this term will be ‘The Explorer’ written by Katherine Rundell. This text will be used for our whole class guided reading and VIPERS sessions and will be the basis of lots of different genres of writing, including descriptive character and setting writing, narrative, radio broadcasts and diary entries.

Once this text has been completed, we will move onto study Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ where we will act out scenes from the play and write our own versions of particular key parts as well as compare the characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.

Our final text will introduce the children to the author Louis Sacher as we read ‘There’s a Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom’. This text will allow for lots of discussion on friendship and be used as another whole class guided reading text.

In addition, discrete grammar, spelling and handwriting lessons will also be taught. It is also important that you continue to listen to your child read at home and record in their reading record. The children can complete their own entries about the content of their reading but parents still need to sign them. Weekly spellings will continue to be sent home and need to be practised for our weekly spelling test.


We will continue to study some exciting Science topics this term. Our first will be ‘Living things and their Habitats’ where we look at how plants reproduce as well as the life cycles of different animals. This will be followed by the topic ‘Animals including Humans’ where we will look at how animals grow and develop from babies through to old age. More information about this topic will be sent out nearer the time to help prepare for any interesting questions which the children may ask at home!


Our history unit for the first half of this summer term will see us investigate the question ‘What makes people go on a journey?’ In this unit, the children look at five very different types of journey in depth. The journeys selected span from the Tudor period to those undertaken today by refugees. The children begin by studying the voyages of Walter Raleigh, then the voyage of the Irish 3rd class passengers on the Titanic, before learning about the Kindertransport in World War Two and the voyage of the Empire Windrush. Finally, they will examine why refugees make dangerous journeys today. This approach supports the children in developing their chronological understanding, and helps them gain a greater sense of period.


The second half of this term will se us study a geography unit where we will investigate the question ‘Where does all our stuff come from?’ In this unit, the children will find out about the UK’s global trade links, investigating where everyday products come from and the journeys they take to our homes. This builds on work children may have done in KS1 looking at the geography of food. The children will also map the journeys taken by items, and research the pros and cons of buying local or imported goods.

Art, DT and Computing

We will continue to study separate units of Art, DT and computing. In Art, our unit is ‘Painting and mixed media: Portraits’ where we will look at using different medias to create portraits, including self-portraits.  In DT we will design and make the strongest spaghetti bridges and computing will see us complete our games.

Music and MFL

Both Music and MFL (French) lessons will continue with Miss Donkin teaching music on a Wednesday afternoon and Mrs Davies teaching French on a Friday afternoon.

P.E. and swimming

PE will continue to take place on Fridays. It may well be warm enough for your child to wear PE shorts and top with a navy or black jumper/hoodie, but if the weather gets cooler, they will need to wear navy or black joggers or leggings. Please ensure that PE jumpers/hoodies are clearly named as with all items of school uniform and are in school on Fridays.

Swimming will take place on Thursday afternoons, commencing on Thursday 25th April. Please ensure swimming kit is in school on a Thursday. 

What homework will my child have to complete in Year 5?

All homework tasks are intended to benefit your child’s learning, by consolidating work done in school, and encouraging them to work more independently.  Homework will be recorded on the school website.

In Year 5, your child will receive homework in accordance with the school’s homework policy. This will include:

  • Daily reading
  • Spellings (set on a Friday, for a test the following Friday)  
  • One Maths or English task per week (set on a Friday and due the following Friday, at the latest)
  • Occasional Topic, Science or Religion based tasks.
  • TTRockstars

Many thanks in advance for your support. I really appreciate your co-operation in supporting your child in the best possible way. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any queries and I look forward to working with you again through this next term.

Mrs Schauer





Get playing Times Tables Rockstars! 

You can use the login assigned to you last year to use Times Tables Rockstars at home - get challenging your friends and see if you can make it to the top of the weekly Hall of Fame Leaderboard!

Some useful websites:

For extra maths practice at home don't forget to log into ActiveLearn...

Spruce up your spelling and grammar at ...










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St Gabriel's Catholic Primary School, Well Lane, Alsager, Stoke-on-Trent ST7 2PG