Year 5 2024 - 2025

Mrs Schauer

Mrs Schauer, Mrs McKee and Mrs Hall warmly welcome you to Year 5!

Year 5’s Spring Term Learning Journey


We continue to follow 'The Way, The Truth and The Life' Syllabus. Our unit for the first half of this term is 'Inspirational People'.

“Love of neighbour … involves working for a just society… It includes love for the poor. Love of neighbour is also an expression of our search for God.” Religious Education Curriculum Directory

The children will learn about the conditions for following Jesus and learn how Jesus described a true disciple. They will have a chance to reflect on their commitment to following Jesus or their own faith. They will learn the story of a person who had a special love for those rejected by society and about someone who was an inspiration for young people. They will identify people today who are an inspiration in their service of others.

At home:

You could help your children by

  • encouraging them to research some information about inspirational people and saints

Our second unit will see us explore the sacrament of Reconciliation. We will discuss the importance of forgiveness, the sacrament itself and link it to our ‘Inspirational People’ unit where we will look at a range of people and how forgiveness was important to them.


This term the children will continue to follow the National Curriculum for Maths using the Power Maths scheme of work where we will consolidate prior knowledge and extend the children’s skills. Areas of the Maths curriculum we will cover include multiplication, division, fractions, decimals and percentages. To support learning in these areas, it is very important that your child practises their times tables. Weekly times tables tests will be given, in addition to regular mental maths activities.


Our first class text this term will be ‘Room 13’ written by Robert Swindells. This text will be used for our whole class guided reading and VIPERS sessions and will be the basis of a different genre of writing, where we will be looking at using sentence structure and vocabulary to build tension, suspense and atmosphere.

Once this text has been completed we will move onto study ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’ by Onjali Q. Rauf. This is a beautiful book, which explores the plight of refugees and will allow for lots of topical discussion, whilst exploring different writing opportunities.

In addition, discrete grammar, spelling and handwriting lessons will also be taught. It is also important that you continue to listen to your child read at home and record this in their reading record. The children can complete their own entries about the content of their reading, but parents still need to sign them. Weekly spellings will continue to be sent home and need to be practised for our weekly spelling test.



We will continue with our Forces topic to begin with investigating water resistance and machines. To link with this our English biography lessons will see us writing biographies on Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei or Stephen Hawking. After we have completed this topic we will move onto the exciting topic of ‘Earth in Space’. In this topic we will learn about stars, planets, the Moon and the solar system as well as how we get daytime, night time and seasons.

History and Geography

This term we will be studying the Ancient Greeks in History. Exploring their way of life, religion and culture, comparing it to modern day and looking at the impact they have had on us today.

In Geography, we will study South America, investigating both physical and human geography of this continent. We will look at the different countries of South America as well as focussing on the Amazon.

Art, DT and Computing

These subjects are taught on a rolling programme. We begin with computing where we will learn how to use spreadsheets in more detail as well as reminding ourselves of the importance of online safety before moving onto the analysis of databases. Our Art unit, ‘Design for a Purpose’, will see us designing our own coat of arms, creating adverts for different products and studying the artist Morag Myerscough. Our DT studies will see us using sewing skills to create an Easter gift.

Music and MFL

Both Music and MFL (French) lessons will continue with Mrs Davies teaching French on a Friday afternoon and myself now teaching the music curriculum.


PE will continue to take place on Fridays as well as Mondays this term.  It may well be warm enough for your child to complete P.E. in their school PE shorts and top with a navy or black jumper/hoodie, but if the weather is cooler, they will need to wear navy or black joggers or leggings. Please ensure that PE jumpers/hoodies are clearly named (as with all items of school uniform) and are in school on both Mondays and Fridays.

What homework will my child have to complete in Year 5?

All homework tasks are intended to benefit your child’s learning, by consolidating work done in school, and encouraging them to work more independently.  Homework will be recorded on Class Dojo.

In Year 5, your child will receive homework in accordance with the school’s homework policy. This will include:

  • Daily reading
  • Spellings (set on a Friday, for a test the following Friday)  
  • One Maths or English task per week (set on a Friday and due the following Friday, at the latest)
  • Occasional Topic, Science or Religion based tasks.
  • TTRockstars

Many thanks in advance for your support. I really appreciate your co-operation in supporting your child in the best possible way. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any queries. I look forward to working with you again through this next term.

Mrs Schauer





Get playing Times Tables Rockstars! 

You can use the login assigned to you last year to use Times Tables Rockstars at home - get challenging your friends and see if you can make it to the top of the weekly Hall of Fame Leaderboard!

Some useful websites:

For extra maths practice at home don't forget to log into ActiveLearn...

Spruce up your spelling and grammar at ...










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St Gabriel's Catholic Primary School, Well Lane, Alsager, Stoke-on-Trent ST7 2PG