Special Educational Needs
"Every child is unique, we are made in His image."
At St. Gabriel’s Catholic Primary School, we believe that all children have an equal right to a full and rounded education which will enable them to work confidently towards reaching their full potential and feel that they are a valued member of the wider school community. We provide high-quality teaching and learning that enables all children to access a broad, balanced and engaging curriculum.
Our school SENCO, Mrs S. Baker, can be contacted for any queries regarding SEND, either through email (senco@stgabriels.cheshire.sch.uk) or at the school gate, 8.20-8.40, each Wednesday. Alternatively, appointments can also be made through the school office on 01270 875770.
Coffee Mornings
Our next SEND Coffee Morning will be on Wednesday 10th July at 8.45am. The aim of these meetings is to provide a safe, friendly space for parents to share experiences and build a support network within our school community. Please note that coffee mornings are open to all parents, your child does not need to be on the SEN register for you to attend!
SEND Drop-In
In the Spring term, we trialled a SEND drop-in session after school. It was great to see so many parents/carers attend! Based on feedback, the next session will be held earlier leaving more time before the end of the school day.
SEND Drop-Ins provide the opportunity to pop into school to discuss SEND-specific issues with the SENCO, and other invited professionals without the need for a formal appointment.
Please check here or with the school office for the next drop-in date.
Cheshire East's Local Offer
"The Cheshire East Local Offer includes information about the support and provision that families can expect from a wide range of agencies for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities (SEND) from birth to 25 years old."
For information about the Local Offer, please visit: https://www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/livewell/local-offer-for-children-with-sen-and-disabilities/local-offer-for-children-with-sen-and-disabilities.aspx
Last updated: April 2024