Year 6 2024 - 2025
Ms Dickenson
Welcome to the Spring Term 2025
Ms Dickenson, Mrs Stokes and Mrs Foy welcome you to the Year 6 page!
We have lots of exciting things planned for this term and we can't wait to get started.
Key Dates for Year 6:
13/1/25: Film Night
14/1/25: Forest Schools whole day (outdoor clothes & wellies/walking boots)
14/1/25: Weekly Maths boosters begin 3:10 - 4pm (invitation only)
16/1/25: Stanley Head parent meeting 3:15pm (in Y6 classroom)
20/1/25: Interhouse dodgeball
30/1/25: School Disco
6/2/25: Parent Consultations
10/2/25: Stanley Head Residential
14/2/25: Break up
24/2/25: Back to school
4/4/25: Break up
22/4/25: Back to school
12/5/25: SATS WEEK
22/5/25: Break up
23/5/25: INSET DAY
2/6/25: Back to school
4/6/25: Whole School Class Photo
18/7/25: Leavers' Assembly
18/7/25: Break up
Please see below for an overview of our learning this term. For more detail, please see the Welcome Letter which will be sent home within the first few days of term. This letter will also be available in the files section below once term begins.
Curriculum for the Spring Term
Spring One - Exploring the Mass
- To know that Jesus is the bread of life.
- To know that Jesus made a new covenant with us.
- To understand the different parts of Mass.
- To understand that the Eucharist is the source and summit of life.
Spring Two - Jesus the Messiah
- To deepen our understanding of Jesus and reflect on what we believe about our faith.
- To understand that Jesus is the Messiah.
- To know about the final journey that Jesus made to Jerusalem and reflect upon his thoughts and feelings.
- To know about the events of Holy Thursday and reflect upon the importance of these events for us.
- To know about the crucifixion of Jesus and reflect on what it was like for Mary and the disciples.
- To deepen our understanding of the resurrection and what it means for us.
Maths (more detail in maths overview in files section below)
- Fractions, decimals & percentages
- Imperial measures
- Ratio and proportion
- Arithmetic
- Times Tables
- Algebra
- Perimeter, area & volume
Key texts: Pig Heart Boy by Malorie Blackman; The Boy in the Tower by Polly Ho-Yen; Poetry by Ted Hughes
Reading comprehensions: a variety of texts including modern classics.
Writing - Descriptive narrative; diary entry, information text, letters & explanation
Spelling - Revision of 3/4/5/6 statutory words; Year 6 spelling patterns
Grammar: Revision of term one grammar; punctuation; verb tenses
Whole class guided reading - The Eye of the Wolf & Funny, Frightening, Fantastic
The Circulatory System
L.O.1: Identify and describe the components of blood and their respective functions
L.O.2: Explore the structure and function of the human heart
L.O.3: Explore how the circulatory system works and be able to identify the role blood has within this
L.O.4: Explain how nutrients and water are transported through the body
L.O.5: Examine the impact of a heathy or unhealthy diet on the human body
L.O.6: Identify the effects of drugs on the human body
L.O.1: To be able to identify African Countries and locate them on a map
L.O.2: To find out about Western Africa and the country of Nigeria
L.O.3: To explore Northern Africa and Morocco
L.O.4: To explore Central Africa and the Central African Republic
L.O.5: To explore Eastern Africa and Tanzania
L.O.6: To explore Southern Africa and South Africa
L.O.7: To be able to consolidate what we have learnt about Africa and carry out some independent research
L.O.1: To find out where the Kingdom of Benin was and about the time period we will be exploring
L.O.2: To explore how we know about the Kingdom of Benin from AD900—1300
L.O.3: To find out about the leaders of the Kingdom of Benin
L.O.4: To find out about the lives of the people of the Kingdom of Benin
L.O.5: To find out about the trade network of the Benin Empire
L.O.6: To find out about the Benin Empire’s Golden Age
L.O.7: To find out about the decline of the Benin Empire
- Online safety
- Blogging
- Text Adventures
L.O. 1: To understand how to analyse a famous painting.
L.O. 2: To understand how to find meaning in painting.
L.O. 3: To apply drama techniques to explore the meaning of a painting.
L.O. 4: To apply interpretation skills to analyse and respond to an abstract painting.
L.O. 5: To understand how art can tell stories or portray messages.
L.O. 6: To demonstrate an understanding of painting techniques to make personal choices.