At St Gabriel’s Catholic Primary school, we are committed to nurturing the hearts and minds of all children to ensure that they reach their full potential. We believe that maths is an essential tool for accessing opportunities throughout life and aim to support our children in not only developing their mathematical skills but also in growing a love for maths as a subject.
In order to help our children develop the mathematical skills they need, we follow the national curriculum, taught through a maths mastery approach. Children who master maths acquire a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of maths. This deep knowledge then allows them to apply the understanding they have to a wide range of conceptual problems within maths, the wider curriculum and their real-life experiences.
Teachers all follow a mastery programme. We ensure that children acquire declarative, procedural and conditional knowledge of each concept taught, adapting the scheme's provision where necessary to support both individual and collective progress. Power Maths, Primary Stars and White Rose Maths aim to spark curiosity and excitement, whilst nurturing confidence in maths. Lessons are child-friendly and engaging, and model and embed a growth mindset approach to maths learning.
Please have a look at the files section below for further information about maths at St Gabriel's.
A Mastery Approach to Maths at St Gabriel's
What Is Maths Mastery?
Maths mastery ensures that all children are given the opportunity to acquire a deepened understanding of the subject.
A strong emphasis is put on problem solving and reasoning which results in understanding the concepts in greater depth. Before this can be achieved, children need to have a solid understanding of the concepts and procedures before they can move on to more advanced material. This can be achieved by using a CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) approach to maths giving all children the opportunity to work towards mastery.
Our Maths Mastery Schemes:
White Rose - Reception
Primary Stars - Year 1 & 2
Power Maths - Year 3/4/5/6
Do you need help in supporting your child with their maths at home? Are you struggling to understand the methods that your child uses in their maths homework?
If so, please see our calculation policies below which details how we teach the range of mathematical concepts in our schemes of work. For year group specific information, please visit the 'Maths help' tab at the top of each class' web page.
At St Gabriel's we are passionate about continuing our professional development so that we are in the best position to teach your child effectively. Because of this, we are part of the NCETM Cheshire and Wirral Maths Hub. NCETM (National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Maths) is an organisation which is funded by the Department for Education whose remit is to support the ongoing professional development of all those who teach maths.